Monday, November 29, 2010

What's for dinner?

While looking for some snacks we discovered somthing new. I see that the Mrs. Clause of the house has a menu board. I guess she posts what they are going to have to eat for the week. Well I (Charlie) had some better ideas in mind so I changed the menu around. We are having things like pancakes, syrup and sprinkles, Spagheetti noodles, M&Ms, poptarts and syrup, Pizza, Hot chocolate, milk, cookies and syrup.... sounds so much beter. Wonder if she will change it or fix what we want???

Time to Decorate

So we noticed that the boys had a new Christmas tree in the hallway but it was empty. What good is a empty tree? So we decided to bring some ornaments that look like us to put on the tree. Here we are trying to add some fun to their tree. I am sure that soon they will have plenty of their own ornaments on it but at least we got to be first this time.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

We're Back!!

Well we made our way back on Fri. night after Thanksgiving. It's always so exciting to be back. We spent our first night exploring the house to see what is new. We left lots of little notes around the house on their stuff. Even thoug we were very still we could hear how excited the boys were to find us. The boys are at going to be a lot of fun this winter and we are going to have even more fun!
I can't wait to tell everyone about our adventures. Let the Christmas season begin!